About "Vets In The Know" Connect Group
"Vets In The Know" Connect Group is officially recognized by the leadership and ministry of Linked Up Church.
The group was created and founded by Esther Robinson in 2019.
“Vets In The Know" Connect Group provides military Veterans (Linked Up Church Veterans and visiting Veterans, their spouses, widows, guardians, adult children and caregivers), a place to discuss and disseminate information relating to benefits and services offered by the Veterans Administration (VA) in a small group setting.
About The "Vets in the Know"
Monthly Newsletter
The “Vets in the Know” newsletter is distributed to inform our group members of what is happening within the Veterans Administration (VA), other Federal agencies, “Vets in the Know” Connect Group and other Veterans service groups and organizations. The newsletter is published monthly and disseminated via email. In addition, Individuals desiring to be added to the mailing list need to send an email to: lroles@bellsouth.net, with their name, email address, cell telephone number, branch of service and grade/rank. Also, any group member can send information or special events to be included in the next month’s edition to: lroles@bellsouth.net, no later than the 15th of each month.