In efforts to uphold the sound Christian principles written in Luke 14:13-14 (and also in other Biblical Scriptures concerning benevolence) that tell us, "It Is A Blessing To Be A Blessing To Others", Vets in the Know accepts donations to fund benevolent sponsorships for the various  programs, workshops and events presented by Linked Up Church 'Purpose Central' and The Plug (Youth Ministry). 100% of all donated funds are used to sponsor financially in-need members of Linked Up Church. Primarily, the focus of our sponsorships will be for (in-need) Veterans that are Linked Up Church members, or spouses, widows, dependents, guardians and caregivers of Veterans (and non-veterans) that are members of Linked Up Church

Cash donations are accepted at any of our Vets in the Know monthly meetings or special events.  Standard procedure at every in-person meeting or  event is to have a Donation Container marked with the name of the fund raiser available to accept cash donations.  

Secure donations made with a debit or credit card will be accepted through our S.I.N.G. (Sponsorship In the Name of God) Spotfund Account. The S.I.N.G. Spotfund Account can be accessed by clicking the tab below: 

Direct bank to bank donations are accepted via Zelle (only). Donors can send funds directly from their banks to our Vets in the Know account. To donate funds directly, access the Zelle page on your on-line banking app.

On the "Pay" line enter:  (If you use the email to access the registered recipient)


(770) 823-0172 (If you use the mobile phone number to access the registered recipient)

Hit the enter button.

The "Amount Page" will pop up.

At the top of the "Amount Page" the recipient should be listed as: Larry Roles / Registered as LARRY (Our group leader)

Enter the amount you wish to donate on the "Amount" line.

On the "What's this for?" line be sure to enter the name of the fund you are donating to.

Hit the "Review & Send" tab

After you review the information hit the "Send it now!" tab... and you're done.