Scholarships for Military Children (Amount: $2,000): is funded by Fisher House and its contributors. In nearly two decades the scholarship has raised $18 million dollars for recipients.  In 2018, a total of 500 scholarship grants (each for $2,000) were awarded to recent high school graduates. It is currently closed for this year, yet will open up once again in December for the year 2020.  How to apply: The application process is conducted online. In addition to factoring academic achievement and community involvement, the scholarship also requires a short, 500 word essay. The essay requests that you describe two examples of how being a child of a military service member has influenced your educational goals. Applicants must also validate their eligibility as a military dependent by entering the benefits number found on the reverse of the DD Form 1173 Identification Privilege card. For more details about Scholarships for Military Children, click on the portal below: