Accrued Benefits are benefits that are due, but not paid prior to a Veteran's death. Examples include: 1. A claim or appeal for a recurring benefit was pending at the time of death, but all evidence needed for a favorable decision was in VA's possession.

Download VA Form 21P-601 Instructions For VA Form 21P-601 Application For Accrued Amounts Due A Deceased Beneficiary, by clicking on the portal below:

Filing for Substitution Benefits means that an eligible dependent or surviving spouse of the Veteran applies to step into the shoes of the Veteran in their VA claim. When someone is substituted into a deceased Veteran's claim, that claim will proceed as it would have if the Veteran were still alive. For more information about Filing for Substitution Benefits and to download VA Form 21P-0847 "Request For Substitution of Claimant Upon Death of Claimant", click on the portal below: