Veterans who are service-connected for a disability for which they use prosthetic or orthopedic appliances or whose service-connected skin condition requires prescribed medication that irreparably damages outer garments may receive an Annual Clothing Allowance payment. Beginning December 16, 2011, multiple clothing allowance payments are payable for Veterans who have one or more appliances/  devices/skin medications that causes wear, tear, or irreparable damage to one or more articles of clothing. To apply for one or more clothing allowances,  complete  VA Form 10-8678 Application for Annual Clothing Allowance no later than August 1st of each year. Download VA Form 10-8678 Application for Annual Clothing Allowance , by clicking on the portal below:

Notice: Please submit this form to the Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service (PSAS) at the VA Medical Center closest to you. Please do not submit your application/form to PSAS Central Office in Washington, DC. For the special benefit amount for clothing allowance, see the Special Benefit Allowances Rate Table, by clicking on the portal below: